This blog post is one that will include all the Facebook posts written on my behalf, by either my sister or husband, starting October 15, 2014. I was on heavy drugs and in some shock but wanted people to know and pray. They posted on my behalf for a few weeks.
October 6, 2014
[10:30 am] Hello friends. This is Kyler. Last night Sandi went into premature labor. We are just over 23 weeks. The doctors are trying to stop the contractions. Baby is fine right now. We need our baby to stay inside. Sandi is on strict bed rest as we weather this. Please pray for our family. We would deeply appreciate that. We do as much as we can as humans, and then God has to take care of the rest. Thank you so much for your prayers.
[Post by my sister, Cara Lee] “Please, please cry out to our Lord for His mercies for my sis, Sandi, and brother in law, Kyler, and their precious Baby Boudreau.”
[3:55 pm] Kyler here. Update on Sandi and baby: The hospital staff couldn’t be happier with strength of baby’s heartbeat. Sandi is at peace for the most part. Exhausted. Contractions have slowed down but due to other progressions in the labor process, the likelihood of delivery on the much sooner end is the greatest concern. Your prayers are making a difference. We believe with God all things are possible. Comments of hope are more than welcome.
October 7, 2014
[3:44 am] Update on Sandi: My wife is being brave, but she’s exhausted. Literally exhausted, and struggling with a range of emotions. Our baby’s heartbeat is great, but mommy needs prayers to be calm, trusting and to be able to rest. We have a crucial meeting with a specialist this morning that is skilled at helping moms in our situation. Please ask God to calm my wife, and give not just us, but our doctor a very strong hope for our baby. Please pray that Sandi’s body relaxes, so whathas happened can be reversed and stabilized. We’ve made it this far with no delivery, and every hour, every day matters. Thank you friends and family. We are deeply grateful for your love and your requests to God on our behalf. Your notes of hope are so valued and appreciated. Sandi loves them. Special thanks to Deleese Weldon Pryor for dropping everything and flying in yesterday.
[6:32 pm] Hi friends, Deleese Weldon Pryor here with a brief update. Sandi and Kyler want to thank you all for the encouraging comments, emails & messages, though they hope you understand that they are not able to reply to each one personally right now. Sandi’s had a MUCH better day today. She’s been able to get some good rest throughout the day, even with the normal hospital interruptions. The contractions have eased from every 4-6 minutes, to only 4 today. This is a HUGE improvement & specific answer to prayer! She’s at 23 weeks 4 days and at this stage every single day counts. The staff appears MUCH more optimistic than before, but have stated that Sandi will be on strict bed rest, for the next many weeks – however many we can get. We are expecting a visit from one of the nation’s leading perinatologists who just so happens to practice here. When the nurses sing a doc’s praises, you can just relax & know you’re in good hands. Of course, we are ultimately trusting the hands of the Great Physician, but we’re super happy to have one of his best protégés here in Santa Monica! Thank you again for your prayers – they are so very appreciated!
October 8, 2014
[1:28am] Deleese here, with another update. We were finally able to consult with the specialist a little before midnight, and the news was different from what we were expecting. We learned that Sandi’s uterus is shaped abnormally, and also that she appears to be dilated more than what they previously thought. The doctor did not do an internal exam because he doesn’t want to disturb baby’s environment & risk rupturing membranes. A cerclage is not an option, so it will truly be a day-by-day effort to keep baby happy inside Mommy’s tummy. Sandi has been moved to a larger room that is specially equipped for when baby decides to be born – which we still hope will be a long time from now. Every day matters. Sandi is doing well – baby is very strong – and we are all optimistic and confident that the God who has our days numbered also knows the end from the beginning. We are living in hope with peace that passes all our own understanding – thanks to all the prayers that you continue to faithfully offer on our behalf. Thank you so very much from us all!
October 10, 2014
[9:56 am] From Deleese: Friends and Family, yesterday was a nice, uneventful day for the most part. No news to post equals good news. Last night, that changed for a while. Sandi began having contractions that increased in both frequency and intensity. These, as you can imagine, are both painful and alarming to Sandi. The doctor increased her IV medication, and they gradually subsided for the most part. Kyler has been amazing, and we continue to support her & baby with the goal of “one more day.” Please continue to pray that our sweet baby stays safe inside Mommy’s tummy – and that Mommy’s body remains calm and relaxed. Thank you for praying and for all of your kind words of comfort and support. They are felt in Santa Monica!
October 11, 2014
[1:11 pm] Kyler here. We are 24 weeks and one day! Last night Sandi was able to grab a little more sleep in between shots, blood tests and everything else. Her contractions are not as often as they were Thursday night. Her doc, Yashari, and the specialist doctor, Tabsh, stopped in to see her today. They seem to like Sandi. He said every day our baby waits, it increases baby’s chances by 2%. So praise God our little baby has stayed in there. The nurse last night said our baby’s heart rate pattern is more like a 32 week baby as opposed to our 24 week little squirt. Sandi is really trying to be positive and brave through all of this. Please keep asking God for the right timing for baby, and strength for my sweet Sandi. We so appreciate it.
October 12, 2014
[1:59pm] Quick update from Deleese in Santa Monica: Sandi and baby are still hanging in there – 24 weeks 2 days today! The doctors have told us that each day baby stays in utero gives baby an extra 2% push toward favorable outcomes. So we celebrate every shift – and every day – as another milestone in baby’s favor! Please continue to pray for Sandi to have the endurance & patience that she needs to remain on strict bed rest, in an upside-down slant. You just don’t realize all that you take for granted until these kinds of restrictions are put in place. Simple things like going to the bathroom, taking a shower, even just sitting up and looking around – are not options for Sandi right now. Kyler had a great idea & gave Sandi a Facetime tour of the hospital room by walking around with his phone aimed at different areas so she could see on her phone. That abruptly concluded when Sandi told him he needed to put a towel away, ha! (Hey, keeping a sense of humor is kinda important these days!) Love & gratefulness from all the Boudreaus…
October 13, 2014
[3:14pm] We’re celebrating “24 and 3” today! Deleese here still, with Heather Gobin Tibbits, who flew in to help the last few days. What a treasured friend to Sandi and Kyler, and a tremendous help. We’re taking one shift at a time and are still so very grateful for your prayers and support!
October 16, 2014
Kyler here. So many times I’ve wished for a Baby Sandi, and today at 1:30PM our tiny girl was born. She is about 12 inches long and weighs 1 lb 11 oz. She’s expected to be in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) for a few months. We are confident and hopeful, but ask for your continued desperate prayers for our 24-week baby. Mommy is recovering, and our baby is strong. Baby has a long road ahead, and we’ve been told there will be ups and downs. Your loving support has been an absolute, tremendous blessing, and we want you to know that God, without doubt, answered your prayers. He worked out many details for us, including those surrounding the rapid, unexpected events leading to our baby’s birth today. Sandi started preterm labor on Sunday, October 5th and she was at 23 weeks 2 days. God allowed our girl to stay inside Mommy for an additional eleven days, which made a massive difference in her well-being. Please continue to ask God for his power and blessings, as our girl braves her way through the next few months.