Sandi Boudreau

Category: reflections

first update from journey rose

Mom and Dad said I could give the update tonight. I have 3 things to say…

twice her birthweight

Journey Rose is now over twice her birthweight! Born 765 grams (1 lb 11 oz), she’s now 1535 grams (3 lb 6 oz). She’s also just over 15″ (born just over 12″). How do the Boudreaus celebrate beautiful baby’s growth? We thank God while Journey sleeps. Precious.

back to isolation

Well, I just moved back into my own room, an isolation room, due to positive test results for MRSA / staph infection last week.

first baby doll

Baby Journey loves snuggling with her doll. It smells like Mom. She sleeps with it and brings it back to the NICU.

tiny hats

The only clothes she can wear are hats, because of the cords and the need for quick access should something need adjusting.

raw post

Lots of tears shed over this precious one today. I sometimes feel panicky about the future, and I just ache and miss her being with me all the time. It catches up to me in my sleep. Nightmares.

Introducing Journey Rose Boudreau

Baby Journey was born 1 lb 11 oz (765 grams), and 12.25 inches long, during my 24th week of pregnancy (24+6).

Leading up to our baby’s early arrival

We went in during the early evening of October 5, 2014, because I was having unusual back pain. They admitted me and then gave us the news: We weren’t going anywhere until our baby was born.

My Mother’s Birthday

My Mom is one of my best friends. I think I can tell her anything. We’ve laughed a lot over the last ten years as our relationship has grown very strong and deep.

New Year, New Beginnings: 2014

It’s a New Year. New Beginnings. The best thing about anything new is the feeling of having another chance with it. New car? “Sweet. I’ll keep it clean this time.” A new relationship? “I’ll be sure to always assume the best and give more than I receive.” A new job? “This time I’m going to ROCK.”

Holidays and Loss

I’ve been tempted quite a bit to fixate on what’s ‘lacking’ this Christmas season. Caught myself in the act several times over the past week…Okay, more like over and over and over. Yet so much has been given to me. How dare I suggest it’s not enough?

Dad, Mom, Alzheimer’s & Love

I realized something obvious today. The Alzheimer’s battle isn’t really his anymore. It’s hers. She cleans, leads, makes tough decisions, and manages someone who used to be strong.

Honest Truth? Sad Tonight.

[Shared from my heart, on my Facebook page on 11/24/13]

Value of Senior Citizens

Seniors bring it all to life again. It’s beautiful. Every conversation. Talk to them. Record it. It’s a way to honor them, by remembering all the little (and big) memories you shared.

Joy from Sorrow

What brings you the greatest JOY? The thing you’re really passionate about? I want to help people. It’s how this website came to be in the first place. It’s a place for me to share about who I am and what I’m learning.